Sunday, June 01, 2008

Who's still reading my blog?

It just dawned on me that my blog is over 4 years old. That's a long time. It's captured many of my ponderings, and as I look back on it I think it captures many of the ways I've grown in the last 4 years. I've been pondering the idea of breathing some life into my blog once again, but there wouldn't be any point if no one reads it.

So, is there anyone out there who still reads my blog? Or, has it come time for my blog to be no more?


Nathan said...

RSS means I get notified every time you post. So yeah. I'm still here.

Christina said...

I do! I very much appreciate your opinion and take on things - it's always an interesting read :) Mind you, if I am the sole hanger-on/reader then I'm not sure if you should keep the blog open (I tend to be a bit of the die hard when it comes to reading friend's blogs). I guess the thing would be to keep it up if you feel you need a space to write stuff, it's really your call.

Also (because I remember talking about this when we bumped into each other biking home from work), I think we need to catch up sometime?

Anonymous said...
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Juan said...

Keep writing

I am reading


Anonymous said...

i do

Kat said...

I do.

Cameron said...

I subscribe to it, even if I don't read everything or agree with everything.

Abigail said...

Here's a stranger who reads your blog (discovered it through Andrew's; rude of me, I suppose, not to have introduced myself earlier). I really like what you have to say and would be sad if you quit.

Jim said...

yeah, I read it - don't get the rss feed, but check on a semi regular basis.

Anonymous said...

Adam gets the feed, and I read it too :)
The problem with feeds though, is that you may have many people reading your blog, but its more effort to comment, so you get less comments - often meaning you don't know if people are reading or not!

David said...

I read as well. You seem to have a number of us.

Matthew P said...

I dunno about this fancy RSS thing that everyone seems afflicted with (Repetitive Survey Syndrome?), but I occasionally visit of my own volition.